Segment information

The objective of business segment reporting is to allow internal supervision and management of the Group’s activity and profits. The information is broken down into several lines of business according to the Group’s organisation and structure. The segments are defined and segregated taking into account the inherent risks and management characteristics of each one, based on the basic business units which have accounting and management figures.

The following is applied to create them: i) the same presentation principles are applied as those used in Group management information, and ii) the same accounting principles and policies as those used to prepare the financial statements.

After the sale of 80% of the real estate business in December 2018, starting from 2019 the non-core real estate business will no longer be reported separately, integrating the remaining assets in the Banking and Insurance business, with the exception of the stake in Coral Homes, SLU (Coral Homes), which is assigned to the Equity Investment business. For comparative purposes, the 2018 information is presented aggregating both segments (Banking and Insurance plus Non-core real estate).

As a result, the Group is made up of the following business segments:

1. Banking and insurance

Includes the results of the banking business (retail, corporate and institutional banking, cash management and markets), together with the insurance business and asset management, primarily carried out in Spain through the branch network and the other complementary channels. It covers the activity and results generated by the Group's customers, as well as management of liquidity and the Assets and Liabilities Committee, income from financing the other businesses and the corporate centre. In addition, it includes the businesses acquired by CaixaBank from BPI during 2018 (i.e. insurance, asset management, and cards).

The insurance and banking business is presented in a unified way consistent with the joint business and risk management, since it is a comprehensive business model within a regulatory framework that shares similar monitoring and accounting objectives. The Group markets insurance products, in addition to the other financial products, through its business network with the same client base, because the majority of the insurance products offer savings alternatives (life-savings and pensions) to the banking products (savings and investment funds).

2. Equity investments

Includes income from dividends and/or profit from banks accounted for using the equity method, net of financing costs, from the interests and gains/(losses) on financial assets and liabilities held in Erste Group Bank, Repsol SA (Repsol), Telefónica SA (Telefónica), Banco Fomento de Angola, SA (BFA) and Banco Comercial e de Investimentos, SA (BCI). From 1 January 2019 the 20% stake in Coral Homes is added to this segment, after the sale of the real estate business at the end of December 2018. Similarly, it includes the significant impacts on income of other relevant stakes acquired in various sectors.

It includes the stakes in BFA, which after reassessing the significant influence at year-end 2018 is classified as Financial assets at fair value with changes in other comprehensive income, and in Repsol, until completing its sale in the second quarter of 2019.

3. BPI

Covers the income from the BPI's domestic banking business, essentially in Portugal. The income statement includes the reversion of the adjustments resulting from the application of fair value to the assets and liabilities in the business combination. Furthermore, it excludes the financial statement and equity capital associated with BPI’s assets assigned to the aforementioned equity business (essentially BFA and BCI).

The operating expenses of these business segments include both direct and indirect costs, which are assigned according to internal distribution methods.

In 2020, the allocation of capital to the equity investment business has been adapted to the Group's capital corporate objective of maintaining a fully-loaded Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) ratio of 11.5%, taking into account both the 11.5% consumption of capital for risk-weighted assets (12% in 2019 and 11% in 2018) and any applicable deductions.

The allocation of capital to BPI is at sub-consolidated level, i.e. taking into account the subsidiary's own funds. The capital consumed in BPI by the investees allocated to the investment business is allocated consistently to this business.

The difference between the Group’s total shareholders' equity and the capital assigned to the other businesses is attributed to the banking and insurance business, which includes the Group’s corporate centre.

The performance of the Group by business segment is shown below:

Consolidated statement of profit or loss of the caixabank group - by business segment (Millions of euros)

  2020 2019 2018 2020 2019 2018 2020 2019 2018
NET INTEREST INCOME 4,534 342   4,659 316   4,659 305 (78) (124) (149) 444 416 397
Dividend income and share of profit/(loss) of entities accounted for using the equity method * 250 220 232 192 220 171 186 335 746 18 21 6
Net fee and commission income 2,330 (62) 2,340 (68) 2,303 (124) 245 258 280
Gains/(losses) on financial assets and liabilities and others 250 5 239 57 219 1 (9) 35 11 (2) 24 48
Income and expenses under insurance and reinsurance contracts 598 598 556 556 551 551
Other operating income and expense (338) 136 (369) 79 (498) 51 (3) (15) (17) (26)
GROSS INCOME 7,624 1,239   7,657 1,132   7,454 955 96 246 608 690 702 705
Administrative expenses (3,657) (104) (4,803) (99) (3,813) (87) (4) (4) (4) (378) (397) (436)
Depreciation and amortisation (479) (23) (479) (22) (368) (21) (61) (67) (37)
PRE-IMPAIRMENT INCOME 3,488 1,112   2,375 1,011   3,273 847 92 242 604 251 238 232
Impairment losses on financial assets and other provisions (2,123) (811) (673) 1 (40) 200 106
NET OPERATING INCOME/(LOSS) 1,365 1,112   1,564 1,011   2,600 848 92 242 604 211 438 338
Gains/(losses) on disposal of assets and others 216 (169) (179) 1 (311) (607) 28 2 51
PROFIT/(LOSS) BEFORE TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS 1,581 1,112   1,395 1,011   2,421 849 (219) 242 (3) 239 440 389
Income tax (179) (224) (332) (216) (695) (186) 24 71 90 (65) (108) (107)
PROFIT/(LOSS) AFTER TAX FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS 1,402 888   1,063 795   1,726 663 (195) 313 87 174 332 282
Profit/(loss) attributable to minority interests 3 57 33 20
PROFIT/(LOSS) ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE GROUP 1,402 888   1,060 795   1,669 663 (195) 313 54 174 332 262
Total assets 410,689 80,667 355,416 76,116 350,783 66,244 3,267 4,554 4,685 37,564 31,444 31,078
Of which: positions in sovereign debt 106,492 58,845 91,549 56,702 87,786 49,247 6,141 4,637 3,307

(*) Insurance business includes the contribution of the stake in SegurCaixa Adeslas.

The banking and insurance businesses have an integrated Banking-Insurance management model. Under a regulatory framework with similar accounting and supervision objectives, sales and risks are managed jointly, as the model is integrated. The results of the Banking-Insurance business are presented as a single business segment in the segment reporting because of this integrated Banking-Insurance management model.

The income of the Group by segment, geographical area and distribution of ordinary income is as follows:

Distribution of interest and similar income by geographical area (Millions of euros)

    2020 2019 2018 2020 2019 2018
Domestic market 3,932 4,104 4,266 6,211 6,540 6,458
International market 69 48 23 553 515 488
European Union 63 43 19 547 510 484
Eurozone 27 9 0 511 476 465
Non-eurozone 36 34 19 36 34 19
Other countries 6 5 4 6 5 4
TOTAL 4,001 4,152 4,289 6,764 7,055 6,946

Distribution of ordinary income * (Millions of euros)

    2020 2019 2018 2020 2019 2018 2020 2019 2018
Banking and insurance 11,245 11,345 11,071 90 138 160 11,335 11,483 11,231
Spain 11,039 11,170 10,981 90 138 160 11,129 11,308 11,141
Other countries 206 175 90 206 175 90
Equity Investments 177 370 758 177 370 758
Spain 62 106 347 62 106 347
Other countries 115 264 411 115 264 411
BPI 750 757 820 42 64 60 792 821 880
Portugal/Spain 742 749 812 42 64 60 784 813 872
Other countries 8 8 8 8 8 8
Ordinary adjustments and eliminations between segments (132) (202) (220) (132) (202) (220)
TOTAL 12,172 12,472 12,649 0 0 0 12,172 12,472 12,649

(*) Corresponding to the following items in the Group's public statement of profit or loss.

1. Interest income.

2. Dividend income.

3. Share of profit/(loss) of entities accounted for using the equity method.

4. Fee and commission income.

5. Gains/(losses) on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss, net.

6. Gains/(losses) on financial assets and liabilities held for trading, net.

7. Gains/(losses) on assets not designated for trading compulsorily measured at fair value through profit or loss, net.

8. Gains/(losses) on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, net.

9. Gains/(losses) from hedge accounting, net.

10. Other operating income.

11. Income from assets under insurance and reinsurance contracts.