Personnel expenses

The breakdown of this item in the accompanying statement of profit or loss is as follows:

Breakdown of personnel expenses (Millions of euros)

  2020 2019 2018
Wages and salaries (2,088) (2,207) (2,187)
Social security contributions (504) (517) (482)
Contributions to pension plans (saving and risk) * (156) (145) (139)
Transfers to defined benefit plans 2 3 3
Other personnel expenses (95) (1,090) (153)
Of which: Labour agreement 8-5-2019 (Note 23.2) (978)
TOTAL (2,841) (3,956) (2,958)

(*) Includes premiums paid.

The expense recognised in 'Transfers to defined contribution plans' includes mainly mandatory contributions stipulated which are made to cover retirement, disability and death obligations of serving employees. To cover retirement, CaixaBank makes a monthly contribution equal to a percentage of pensionable wage items ranging from 0% to 8.5% depending on the length of service at the Group and other agreed terms and conditions.

“Other personnel expenses” includes, inter alia, training expenses, education grants and indemnities and other short term benefits. This heading also records the cost of the capital-instrument-based remuneration plans, recorded with a balancing entry under 'Shareholders' equity — Other equity items' of the accompanying balance sheet, net of the corresponding tax effect.

The accrued amounts of share-based remuneration plans are set out below:

Share-based remuneration (Millions of euros)

  2020 *** 2019 2018
Variable remuneration bonus format - CEO, Senior Management and other members of the identified staff ** 7 9 8
Variable remuneration of the Long-Term Incentives Plan related to the SP 2015-2018 * 2
Variable remuneration of the Annual Consolidable Incentives Plan related to the SP 2019-2021 ** 3
TOTAL 7 12 10
Beneficiaries of the Annual Consolidable Incentives Plan (people) **: 90

(*) With respect to the Long-Term Incentives Plan linked to the SP 2015-2018, the estimated maximum number of authorised Beneficiaries of the Plan stood at 80 people.

(**) The Chief Executive Officer and members of the Management Committee have decided to waive their variable remuneration for 2020, both their yearly Bonus and their participation in the second cycle of the 2020 Long-Term Incentives Plan (see Note 1.8). In addition, it has been agreed not to propose the granting of shares in this second cycle of the Long-Term Incentives Plan for the other 78 managers included therein.

(***) The reference to calculate the shares equivalent to the variable remuneration package based on equity instruments is determined as described in the corresponding agreements approved in the Annual General Meeting each year. The valuation of variable remuneration in bonus format for the rest of the Identified Staff is the arithmetic average price, rounded to three decimal places, of the CaixaBank share closing prices in stock market trading sessions corresponding to 1 to 15 February 2021.

The average number of employees, by professional category and gender, is set out below:

Average number of employees * (Number of employees)

  2020   2019   2018
Directors 3,321 2,113 24 3,716 2,366 26 3,769 2,216 0
Middle management 3,317 3,637 43 3,454 4,035 32 3,262 3,939 29
Advisers 9,565 13,664 295 9,650 13,376 285 10,365 13,765 312
TOTAL 16,203 19,414 362 16,820 19,777 343 17,396 19,920 341

(*) The distribution, by professional category and gender, at any given time is not significantly different from that of the average number of employees.