Statements of cash flows

The main cash flow variations corresponding to the financial year are set out below by type:

Operating activities (EUR 37,562 million):

This is chiefly due to the increase of the deposits taken from the ECB and the rise of the demand deposits under the heading Financial liabilities at amortised cost, partially offset by the flow generated by the increase of loans and advances to customers under the heading Financial assets at amortised cost.

Investment activities (EUR 484 million):

Includes the cash collected from the sale of 29% of the stake in Comercia Global Payments, Entidad de Pago, S.L. to Comercia Global Payments for EUR 493 million, as well as the effect of the collections and payments for the sale and purchase of fixed assets.

Financing activities (EUR-1,540 million):

Arises from the cash flows resulting from the issue (EUR 3,731 million) and repayment of debt or equity-based instruments (EUR 4,736 million), as well as the dividends paid (EUR 418 million) in the year.