Investments in joint ventures and associates

The breakdown of the changes of the balance under this heading is as follows:

Changes in investments - 2020 (Millions of euros)

UNDERLYING CURRENT AMOUNT 3,429   0 0 (21) (42) 3,366  
Erste Group Bank * 1,470 9.92% 48 (4) 1,514 9.92%
Coral Homes ** 948 20.00% (41) (105) 802 20.00%
SegurCaixa Adeslas 695 49.92% 11 (21) 685 49.92%
Associates BPI subgroup 200 (9) (3) 188
Comercia Global Payments 2 49 51 20.00%
Other 116 (32) 42 126
GOODWILL 362   0 0 0 5 367  
SegurCaixa Adeslas 300 300
Associates BPI subgroup 43 43
Other 19 5 24
IMPAIRMENT ALLOWANCES (16)   0 0 0 (316) 0 (332)  
Erste Group Bank (311) (311)
Other (16) (5) (21)
TOTAL ASSOCIATES 3,775   0 0 (21) (316) (37) 3,401  
UNDERLYING CURRENT AMOUNT 167   0 0 11 (136) 42  
Comercia Global Payments 122 49.00% 14 (136) 0
Joint ventures BPI subgroup 37 37
Other 8 (3) 5
GOODWILL 0   0 0 0 0 0  
Other 0 0
Other (1) 1 0
TOTAL JOINT VENTURES 166   0 0 11 0 (135) 42  

(*) At 31 December 2020, the market value of 9.92% of the stake is EUR 1,063 million.

(**) Transfers and other mainly includes the distribution of reserves and dividends deducted from cost of investment.

(***) Includes EUR 7 million in intangible assets generated at the time of the purchase, which are being repaid in the corresponding term.

Changes in investments - 2019 (Millions of euros)

UNDERLYING CURRENT AMOUNT 3,368   1 (2) 204 (142) 3,429  
Erste Group Bank * 1,381 9.92% 92 (3) 1,470 9.92%
Coral Homes 1,082 20.00% (134) 948 20.00%
SegurCaixa Adeslas 624 49.92% 73 (2) 695 49.92%
Associates BPI subgroup 168 35 (3) 200
Other 113 1 (2) 4 116
GOODWILL 362   0 0 0 0 362  
SegurCaixa Adeslas 300 300
Associates BPI subgroup 43 43
Other 19 19
IMPAIRMENT ALLOWANCES (19)   0 2 0 1 0 (16)  
Other (19) 2 1 (16)
TOTAL ASSOCIATES 3,711   1 0 204 1 (142) 3,775  
UNDERLYING CURRENT AMOUNT 167   4 (1) 1 (4) 167  
Comercia Global Payments 123 49.00% (1) 122 49.00%
Joint ventures BPI subgroup 35 2 37
Other 9 4 (1) (4) 8
GOODWILL 1   0 (1) 0 0 0  
Other 1 (1) 0
IMPAIRMENT ALLOWANCES 0   0 0 0 (1) 0 (1)  
Other 0 (1) (1)
TOTAL JOINT VENTURES 168   4 (2) 1 (1) (4) 166  

(*) At 31 December 2019, the market value of 9.92% of the stake was EUR 1,431 million.

(**) Includes EUR 55 million in intangible assets generated at the time of the purchase, which are being repaid in the corresponding term.

Changes in investments - 2018 (Millions of euros)

UNDERLYING CURRENT AMOUNT 5,689   60 (1,534) 136 (983) 3,368  
Repsol 2,705 9.64% 36 (1,416) 133 (1,458)
Erste Group Bank * 1,353 9.92% 28 1,381 9.92%
Coral Homes (Note 1.8) 0 1 1,080 1,081 20.00%
SegurCaixa Adeslas ** 715 49.92% (113) 23 625 49.92%
Associates BPI subgroup 748 (63) (517) 168
Other 168 24 (5) 14 (88) 113
GOODWILL 361   0 0 0 0 361  
SegurCaixa Adeslas 300 300
Associates BPI subgroup 42 42
Other 19 19
IMPAIRMENT ALLOWANCES (13)   0 2 0 (7) (18)  
Other (13) 2 (7) (18)
TOTAL ASSOCIATES 6,037   60 (1,532) 136 (990) 3,711  
UNDERLYING CURRENT AMOUNT 186   4 (38) 15 0 167  
Comercia Global Payments 105 49.00% 19 123 49.00%
Joint ventures BPI subgroup 35 0 0 35
Other 46 4 (38) (4) 9
GOODWILL 1   0 0 0 0 1  
Other 1 0 1
Other 0 0 0
TOTAL JOINT VENTURES 187   4 (38) 15 0 168  

(*) At 31 December 2018, the market value of 9.92% of the stake was EUR 1,239 million.

(**) Arising from a distribution of the investment's share premium, with no variation in the ownership percentage.

(***) Includes EUR 64 million in intangible assets generated at the time of the purchase, which are being repaid in the corresponding term.

Comercia Global Payments

On 1 October 2020, 29% of the stake in Comercia Global Payments, Entidad de Pago, S.L. was sold to Comercia Global Payments for EUR 493 million (on 30 September 2020, this 29% was reclassified under "Non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale" upon showing signs of sale). As a result of this operation, the Group will maintain its presence and a significant degree of influence in the acquisition business with Company businesses, as well as generating gains of approximately EUR 420 million, net of tax, that is recorded under the heading "Profit/(loss) from non-current assets and disposal groups classified as held for sale not qualifying as discontinued operations (net)" of the income statement (see Note 39).

Repsol SA

The divestment of the residual holding recorded under "Financial assets at fair value with changes in other comprehensive income" finalised in 2019 (see note 13)..

On 20 September 2018, the Group began disposal of the current shareholding in Repsol, in line with the guidelines set out in the current strategic plan.

The impact deriving from the loss of significant influence in the shareholding in Repsol, after the execution of the equity-swap contracts and the reclassification of the residual shareholding to the financial heading "Financial assets at fair value with changes in other comprehensive income" of the consolidated balance sheet stood at a gross loss of EUR 453 million, registered under the heading "Gains/(losses) on derecognition of non-financial assets, net" of the 2018 income statement.

Banco de Fomento de Angola, SA (BFA)

Loss of significant influence

After the sale of 2% of BFA to Unitel in 2017, BPI's stake in BFA stood at 48.1% of the share capital and a contract was entered into between the two BFA shareholders, whereby BPI had the right to designate two members out of a maximum of 15 on the board of directors, as well as a member on the Conselho Fiscal and a member on the Risk Committee and the Remuneration Committee. BPI's stake in the share capital of BFA and its presence on the governing bodies of BFA, albeit a minority representation and not proportional to its holding, afforded it a significant influence in BFA in accordance with the provisions of IAS 28 and as a result, after the aforementioned sale of 2% of BFA, BPI classified its ownership interest in BFA as an associate. This classification remained in the consolidated financial statements of the Group after the takeover of BPI in February 2017.

As specified in Note 1, at every close, the Group assesses the most relevant judgments and estimates used to prepare the financial information. Following on from this, due to the existence of indications of a possible significant loss of influence at year-end 2018, the Group proceeded to classify BFA as an associate. It is worth stressing, among the main matters considered, that the absence of BPI representatives on the BFA executive body – its executive committee, which is the body that oversees the bank's operational management – ultimately determined a lack of actual capacity of BPI to participate in decisions on the financial policy and operations of the entity in the terms set out in paragraph 6 of IAS 28. BPI's minority position on the board of directors, together with the presence of a controlling shareholder, also prevented it, in practice, from having a real ability to influence the management of BFA. In this context, the weight of the BPI stake on BFA's operational and financial decisions has been far from the initial expectations based on the experience of many years of shareholding relations, where BPI played a key role in the development of BFA.

In accordance with the regulatory framework for accounting, the loss of significant influence resulted in the reclassification, in 2018, of the stake in BFA from associate to "Financial assets at fair value with changes in other comprehensive income - equity instruments" of the consolidated balance sheet, at its fair value at the date of its reclassification. This involved reclassifying – in the income statement – the valuation adjustments that remained recorded in the Group's equity until now. This has resulted in recording a net loss in the consolidated income statement amounting to EUR 154 million (EUR 139 million, net) under the heading "Gains/(losses) on derecognition of non-financial assets, net" of the accompanying income statement. Until the date of reclassification, the total net contribution of BFA as an associate to the Group's profit or loss for 2018 recognised under "Share of profit/(loss) of entities accounted for using the equity method", after deducting profit/(loss) attributable to non-controlling interests and related taxes, came to EUR 190 million net. The total contribution to the Group's profit or loss after deducting the loss linked to the reclassification of this holding was EUR 51 million net.


Angola was classified as a hyperinflationary economy during 2017 by the main international audit firms, considering the fact that it had a cumulative inflation rate near to 100% over the last three years, as well as the changes recorded prices, wages and interest rates.

Until the date on which our holding in BFA was reclassified under the heading "Financial assets at fair value with changes in other comprehensive income - equity instruments", the heading "Accumulated other comprehensive income - Items that may be reclassified to profit or loss - Foreign currency exchange" included any changes arising from the requirements of IAS 29. In 2017 and 2018, the effect of IAS 29 resulted in a credit to this heading in of EUR 76 million and EUR 78 million respectively, while in turn resulting in a negative impact of EUR 76 million and EUR 90 million, respectively, on "Share of profit/(loss) of entities accounted for using the equity method" in the statement of profit or loss. As a consequence of the several devaluations of the Angolan kwanza, a decrease of EUR 293 million net was recorded in "Accumulated other comprehensive income", arising from the conversion of BFA's financial statements into euros in accordance with IAS 21.

Impairment of the portfolio of investmentss

At year-end, there were no agreements to provide additional financial support or any other contractual commitment made by the parent company or subsidiaries with associates and joint ventures of the Group not recognised in the financial statements. Likewise, there are no contingent liabilities related to these investments.

For the purpose of assessing the recoverable amount of investments in associates and joint ventures, the Group regularly monitors the impairment indicators related to its investees. Particularly, the following items are considered, among others: i) business performance; ii) share prices throughout the period; and iii) the target prices published by renowned independent analysts.

The methodology of determining the recoverable value for the stakes in Erste Group Bank and SegurCaixa Adeslas is based on dividend discount models (DDM).

A summary of the ranges of assumptions used and the ranges of contrasting sensitivity are provided below:

Assumptions used and sensitivity secenarios (Percentage)

31/12/2020 31/12/2019 31/12/2018 31/12/2020 31/12/2019 31/12/2018 31/12/2020
Forecast periods 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 4 years
Discount rate (after tax) (1) 10.10% 10.10% 10.10% 8.24% 8.13% 8.57% 7.00%
Growth rate (2) 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2% 2% 2%
Target capital/solvency ratio 13.50% 12.36% 12.05% 100% 100% 100%

(1) Calculated on the basis of the interest rate of the German bond (Erste Group Bank) and the Spanish bond (SegurCaixa Adeslas and Coral Homes), adding, where applicable, risk premiums.

(2) Corresponds to the normalised growth rate used to calculate the fair value.

(3) The determination of the recoverable value considers the sensitivity with respect to the interest margin and the cost of risk of [-0.05%; +0.05%], on the discount rate of [-0.50%; +0.50%] and on the growth rate of [-1%; +1%].

(4) The exercise to determine the recoverable value considers the sensitivity with respect to the discount rate and the growth rate [-0.05%; +0.05%].

(5) The result of the dynamic valuation exercise (DDM) has been contrasted with the result obtained with the static methodology (NNAV), with no resulting need to make any value correction whatsoever. Similarly, the valuation exercise conducted by an independent consultant on assets of Coral Homes on 31 December 2020, has highlighted the existence of material unrealised gains in the portfolio that are expected be able to materialise throughout the coming years.

As a consequence of this impairment test, on 31 December 2020 an impairment of EUR 311 million was highlighted in the share in Erste Group Bank, recorded under the heading "Impairment or reversal of impairment on investments in joint ventures and associates" of the income statement.

Financial information of associates

Below selected information is displayed on significant investments in entities accounted for using the equity method, which is additional to the information presented in Appendices 2 and 3:

Selected information of associates

Nature of the company's activities Has strong deposits business and offers retail products, corporate products and investment banking services. Strategic alliance with Mutua Madrileña for the development, marketing and distribution of the general non-life insurance cover. Purchasing, holding, managing, administrating, swapping, leasing and selling all kinds of real estate assets, with their associated or accompanying furnishing elements, as well as promoting and carrying out all kinds of real estate developments.
Country of incorporation and countries of operation Austria, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Croatia, Hungary and Serbia Spain Spain
Restrictions on dividend payments Regulatory restrictions or limitations according to the level of capital, return or growth outlook of the business Constraints on the allocation of dividends based on solvency level of the company, in order to ensure that the existing regulatory and contractual requirements are met.