Transition to a
low-carbon economy

CaixaBank manages its business and its products and services within the framework of its commitment to respect people and the environment. It is firmly committed to supporting environmentally-friendly initiatives and projects that contribute to preventing, mitigating and combating climate change.


million euros

Volume of MicroBank Ecological Fund


million euros

Green energy consumed


Alliances and adhesion to initiatives

A signatory of the Equator Principles since 2007, to avoid, minimise, mitigare and remedy as much as possible any potential threats to the environment or the community in financing investment projects
In 2017 of the 5 projects financed, with
a total investment of
million euros
and CaixaBank's participation exceeded 201 million euros
  • 4 were classified under category B, with potential adverse social or environmental impacts that were limited and could easily be mitigated
  • 1 was classified under category C, with minimal potential impacts or without adverse impacts
CaixaBank has internal procedures in place to apply a simplified procedure to transactions for financing smaller projects, starting at 5 million euros.

CaixaBank pledged its support to the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures.

The Bank is one of the leading entities in the fight against climate change at a global level
For the fourth year in a row, the Bank is included in the “Climate A List” index,
which includes the main companies committed to the fight against climate change, according to the CDP environmental organisation.
Signatory since 2015 of the Green Bond Principles.
It participates in the Spanish Group for Green Growth, which promotes economic growth tied to a low-carbon economy.
Member of the Clúster de Cambio Climático de Forética (Forética Climate Change Cluster), a networking forum where companies can exchange knowledge on climate change.
CaixaBank’s employee pension fund is signatory to theMontreal Carbon Pledge, which promotes the measurement and reduction of the carbon footprint of institutional investors.
Further information at
Management of social and environmental risks Equador Principles CDP Green Bonds Principles Spanish Group for Green Growth (in Spanish)


3,189 MW
of installed capacity
in the 19 renewable energy projects financed in 2017
  • 929 million euros financing volume granted in 2017
  • Over 18,500 MW in installed capacity since 2011
loans from the ecoFinancing line
to fund sustainable development farming projects related with energy efficiency, efficient use of water, organic farming, renewable energies, waste management and the development of rural areas
686,359 euros
MicroBank green accounts

collaborating with the WWF in helping to protect the environment and sustainable development

10,000 euros allocated

to the NGO’s reforestation programme through the green accounts

1,000 trees planted
ecoLoans and ecoMicrocredits financed
6.70 million euros granted

For purchasing efficient vehicles and appliances, cars and home improvements to increase energy efficiency.

For investments that improve efficiency in the consumption of resources, ecological products and services –such as ecotourism–, recycling and waste treatment, etc.

million euros volume of MicroBank Ecological Fund
which invests in environmentally responsible funds in sectors such as renewable energies, organic food, recycling and water treatment.
Further information at:
Sustainable financing ecoMicrocredits MicroBank Ecological Fund Green Accounts


CaixaBank has participated in the process as joint bookrunner in the placement of green bonds for investment in sustainable assets
  • 3 green bonds
  • 2,050 million euros
800 million euros
7.5 years
750 million euros
10 years
million euros
5 years


Plan launched to be carbon neutral in 2018
22,964 t
of CO2 offset

corresponding to the use of fuel, refrigeration gases and electricity consumption at CaixaBank’s branch network and central services in 2017 (according to the carbon footprint calculations).

These emissions were offset through the purchase of allowances in the voluntary emissions market project.

  • Approved by the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS)
  • Allocated to curb the deforestation in the Amazon and promote economic development of farmers in the Madre de Dios area of Peru
Paper use was reduced
22% vs. 2016,
in paper consumption
of the paper consumed is recycled
million digital documents in 2017
Reduction in the emissions associated with energy consumption
of the energy consumed is from renewable sources*

virtually all of the energy consumed.

First Spanish organisation to adhere to the RE100 initiative:

  • This list includes world leaders committed to using green energies
  • CaixaBank's goal: 100% of electricity consumption from renewable sources in three years, coinciding with the completion of the Strategic Plan
Smart PC deployed,

with an energy consumption ~25% lower

1,798 MWh
in estimated annual savings

by changing to LED lighting for projects undertaken in 2016 and 2017

* Pending CNMV certification on renewable energy guarantees of origin for 2017. The latest certificate available is for 2016 consumption.
Further information at:
CaixaBank environmental management CaixaBank 2016-2018 Environmental Plan Carbon footprint RE100