Integrated Corporate Report

Towards a sustainable economy

CaixaBank has been a signatory of the Equator Principles since 2007, incorporating social and environmental criteria into its finance activity. It also encourages the financing of projects that help boost energy efficiency. In 2013, it expanded its commercial offering with a new ecoFinanciación [ecoFinancing] line for the farming sector, and has earmarked a total of €4.7 million to finance sustainable projects. 

CaixaRenting also promotes the use of fuel-efficient vehicles. 57% of the vehicles sold under special promotions during the year were low-emission cars. With over 24,000 Cuentas Verdes [Green Accounts] open, MicroBank is also helping reforest the Doñana National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Since 2009, VidaCaixa has managed all its investments in accordance with the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI). So too has the pension fund for ”la Caixa” Group employees since 2007, with assets of €3,691 million.


Integrated Corporate Report

Towards a sustainable economy

CaixaBank has been a signatory of the Equator Principles since 2007, incorporating social and environmental criteria into its finance activity. It also encourages the financing of projects that help boost energy efficiency. In 2013, it expanded its commercial offering with a new ecoFinanciación [ecoFinancing] line for the farming sector, and has earmarked a total of €4.7 million to finance sustainable projects. 

CaixaRenting also promotes the use of fuel-efficient vehicles. 57% of the vehicles sold under special promotions during the year were low-emission cars. With over 24,000 Cuentas Verdes [Green Accounts] open, MicroBank is also helping reforest the Doñana National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Since 2009, VidaCaixa has managed all its investments in accordance with the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI). So too has the pension fund for ”la Caixa” Group employees since 2007, with assets of €3,691 million.